For most visitors, the best time of year to visit Barcelona is from early April through to mid-October. Throughout this period the weather is generally warm and sunny. It’s also when most of the city’s many vibrant festivals take place. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t visit at other times of the year. In fact,…
Tag: Christmas
A Storybook Christmas in La Plaça de Sant Jaume
Each December Christmas takes to the streets and plazas of Barcelona in the form of markets, lights, trees and pessebres (nativity scenes). The word pessebre means crib in Catalan and most of the nativity scenes which can be seen in Barcelona follow the traditional format of stable, manger, 3 kings, cows, shepherds etc… One notable…
Where to See Christmas Nativity Scenes in Barcelona in 2025
Plaça de Sant Jaume If you’re in Barcelona at Christmas time you shouldn’t miss the large nativity scene in Plaça de Sant Jaume. The nativity occupies about a quarter of the plaza and the design changes every year. The nativity scene shown below is from 2014 and was a recreation of the Roman city of Barcino.…
New Year’s Eve Fireworks Display
Traditionally the Spanish see the new year in at home with their family. As the clock strikes midnight everyone eats 12 grapes and toasts the new year with cava. If you’ve visited Barcelona before, you will know that midnight is pretty much considered early evening here! Once the family celebration is over most people meet…
Christmas Lights 2013
Barcelona’s Christmas lights were officially switched on by the mayor on November 22nd 2013 . This year there are a total of 85kms of illuminations and most of Barcelona’s main shopping streets have displays. The best known are in the centre of the city on Passeig de Gracia, Portal de l’Àngel, Las Ramblas, Carrer Aragó…
BarGelona – Barcelona’s Christmas Ice Rink
Important – This year (2015) the Barcelona ice rink changed venue to Hospitalet. I will be updating this post as soon as possible. Please check back soon! Now in it’s third year, Barcelona’s Christmas ice rink measures 1400m² making it the largest temporary ice rink in Europe. It’s covered by a giant circus tent (ex…
The Nativity Scene at Plaça Sant Jaume
Every December a giant Nativity scene or “Pesebre” is installed in Plaça Sant Jaume. The design changes each year and never fails to surprise. In 2013 the Pesebre depicted life on Barcelona’s rooftops and is one of the most original and interesting that I’ve seen to date. The traditional characters are all represented but with a…
Curling One Out For Christmas !
If you thought that Southpark’s “Mr. Hankey” was the only toilet related Christmas character – Think again ! The Catalan Christmas tradition includes 2 poo-related characters: The Caganer or “Shitter”- A cheeky figure that first appeared in Catalan nativity scenes during the 18th Century. Caga Tió – The Catalan equivalent of Father Christmas ! The…
Christmas Markets in Barcelona 2025
Barcelona is a great place for Christmas shopping, with a wide range of shops and department stores catering to all budgets and tastes. There are also several traditional Christmas markets that take place every year. La Fira de Santa Llucia The Market of Saint Lucia is Barcelona’s oldest Christmas market and dates back to the…