Computer and Electronics Stores in Barcelona

If you need to replace your laptop, hard-drive, digital camera, MP3 player or other electronic devices while in Barcelona then the first place you should head to is Ronda de Sant Antoni between Plaça de la Universitat and Carrer de Casanova.

There are more than a dozen shops here, selling a wide range of products including; memory sticks, cameras, laptops, tablets, e-readers, accessories, batteries, PCs, TVs, Hi-Fi, washing machines and other white goods.

There are also several computer stores on Carrer de Sepúlveda between Ronda de Sant Antoni and Carrer de Villarroel bringing the total to around 20 shops.

2 girls walking past a computer store in Barcelona
Big Green – Ronda de Sant Antoni

Computer and Electronics Stores On & Near Ronda de Sant Antoni

MODULAR TECHNOLOGYSeveral shops including Rda. de Sant Antoni 51Modular technology stock computers, components and accessories. Also at competitive prices
WORTENRonda de Sant Antoni / Carrer CasanovaThis large store is part of a chain. They stock computers, digital cameras, mobile phones, e-readers, Hi-Fi, TVs DVDs, white goods etc…
The Phone HouseRonda de Sant Antoni, 62Part of the Phone House chain of mobile phone shops. Stocks a range of smartphones and SIM cards from most Spanish telecom companies.
Zona DigitalRonda Sant Antoni 100Specialist camera shop selling digital cameras, DSLRs, lenses and accessories
MiróRonda de Sant Antoni 66Another Spanish chain which sells houshold electronics and white goods. Prices tend to be slightly higher than the other shops but still worth checking while you’re here.
1001 BATERIASRonda de Sant Antoni 59This shop specialises in rechargeable batteries. They have batteries for telephones, net-books, laptops and even motorbikes.
KYOTO ElectrodomesticosRonda de Sant Antoni 76KYOTO is a local chain selling household electronics and white goods in shops throughout Barcelona. From tablets,mobile phones, ipods and laptops to washing machines and fridge freezers.
Revolution ComputerCarrer Sepúlveda 169Computers, laptops, components, repairs and accessories.
NEOBYTECarrer Sepúlveda 167Computers, laptops and accessories.
EdenCarrer Sepúlveda 181Computers, components, laptops software and accessories
Imatges DigitalRonda Sant Antoni 92Specialist camera shop selling digital cameras, DSLRs, lenses and accessories
Home GalleryRonda de Sant Antoni 94Part of a chain of home electronics stores selling mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, drones, laptops, MP3 players, software etc.
OUTLET PCRonda de Sant Antoni 64This shop stocks laptops, PCs and some other household electronics. If you know your model numbers you could find a bargain.
OfertaspcCarrer de CasanovaOfertas PC sell second hand computers, laptops and monitors which they purchase in bulk fom rentals and finance companies.
Life InformaticaSepúlveda 173 and Casanova 17Shop selling PCs, laptops, tools, cables, hardware and accessories
Outside 1001 Baterias on Ronda de Sant Antoni
1001 Baterias – Battery Shop

Finally, if you need components or more specialised electronics you should try Onda Radio on Gran Via or nearby Diotronic on Carrer Muntaner.

How To Get There:

The nearest Metro stops are “Universitat” (L1 and L2) and “Sant Antoni” (L2)


Carrer de Sepúlveda 173, Barcelona

Carrer de Casanova 17, Barcelona

Carrer de Casanova 30, Barcelona

Ronda de Sant Antoni 94, 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Ronda de Sant Antoni 100, 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Ronda de Sant Antoni 92, 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Ronda de Sant Antoni 45, 08011 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Carrer Sepúlveda 181, 08011 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Carrer Sepúlveda 173, 08011 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Carrer Sepúlveda 167, 08011 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Ronda de Sant Antoni 66, 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Ronda de Sant Antoni 62, 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Ronda de Sant Antoni 76, 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Carrer Sepúlveda 169, 08011 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Carrer Sepúlveda 178, 08011 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 581  08011 Barcelona

Ronda de Sant Antoni 64 , 08001 Barcelona, Spain

Ronda de Sant Antoni 59, 08001 Barcelona, Spain

Rda. Sant Antoni / Carrer Casanova , 08011 Barcelona, Spain

51, 08001 Barcelona, Spain


  1. Hi Richard,

    Comprehensive site. Do you know where I can rent a laptop (NOT A GIRRI RATE!), intel i7 processor mac or pc, I’ve looked online but I’m not sure about these big companies and prefer smaller shops.
    If you have some clues, advice very much appreciated


    1. Hi Alice,

      I can’t help you much with this one I’m afraid because I’ve never rented a laptop…

      I spoke to one of the IT guys where I work this afternoon and he wasn’t able to suggest anywhere either. The only thing that he mentioned was that you will probably find mostly places that lease computers long term to companies or alternatively repair shops who rent PCs to their customers for a few days while theirs is in for repair.

      If I were you I’d head to the computer shops listed above and ask around. I’m sure that someone there will be able to point you in the right direction. Maybe start at Ofertas PC since they sell ex-rental PCs. In the past I’ve found the guys at Modular Technology to be helpful.

      If you’re studying in Barcelona you could also ask at your university. The UPC for example seems to rent laptops to their students during term time.

      Other than that, as I’m sure you know, the best way to avoid services which are aimed at guiris is to use and do your search in Spanaish or Catalan.

      Good luck and when you find a good place please post back and let us know. This sort of information is always useful to have.

    2. There’s a computer retail store that has not been mentioned in this article. Life informatica is a reliable computer store, I’m sure they can help you. I’ve been there several times to buy hardware and the product and price are both very appealing! Big recommendation

  2. Hi, I want to buy laptop from Barcelona. I am exchange Student here. Can I divide The price to the months with my credit card? What i mean is, ıf I want to pay the price in 3 months. Can I pay 1/3 of the price this month… 1/3 of the price next month… Finally 1/3 in The 3rd month. I am asking because i am not The resident of Barcelona.

    1. Hi Faith,

      That should be possible, as long as you have enough credit on the card to pay for the laptop in the first place.

      When you pay by credit card, you are required to make (at least) a minimum payment at the end of the month. The minimum payment varies depending how much credit you owe. The remaining balance then stays on the account with interest added (the interest rate varies from bank to bank). At the end of the following month(s) the same thing happens again, until you have paid off all the debt.

      Credit card interest rates are normally higher than you would be charged if you organized an overdraft or loan with your bank back home. But if you pay the laptop off in just three months you shouldn’t end up paying too much interest.

  3. Hi Richard! Thanks for this. I’m bound to Barcelona tomorrow to shoot a wedding next week and I don’t have enough spare batteries for my camera (long story about airport restrictions and batteries). I was searching the web for electronic shops in Barcelona when I stumbled upon your blog. This list will make my life so much easier!

    1. Hi Steven,

      Glad you found the post useful, I hadn’t realised that there were restrictions on carrying batteries on flights but can see how it must be a problem for professional photographers.

      Hopefully 1001 baterias will have what you’re looking for.

  4. Hi Richard. I am a student and i’m going to be in Barcelona around the first week of February. I planned to buy a laptop. But as I don’t have enough time too choose a suitable model, I preferred to buy a used laptop before my arrival, and then purchase a new model in Barcelona. Then, of course I won’t need the used one anymore. So I’m better to sell it.
    Is there any shopping center for Electronics and Computers in Barcelona where I can sell my laptop?

    1. Hi Nima,

      The only places that I can think of are pawnshops like Cash Converters but I don’t think that they will give you much for a second hand laptop.

      OFERTASPC at Carrer de Casanova 30 specailize in second hand computers (I’ve just added them to the list and map above) but as far as I know they don’t purchase individual laptops from customers. According to their website they buy their stock in bulk from rental and finance companies.

      If I were you I’d try and sell it privately because you’re sure to get a better price than you would when selling to a store.

      The app Wallapop is popular and widely used in Barcelona. Potential buyers filter by location, you then arrange to meet them with the item near your flat (at a metro stop or something) which has the advantage over traditional classifieds that you aren’t letting strangers into your home. I’ve not used it myself but a few of my friends have.

      Popular classifieds sites in Barcelona are milanuncios, loquo and vibbo.

      You could also try selling it at the university. When I first arrived in Barcelona there were noticeboards at the UB where students could pin adverts. I guess there’s now an online version or facebook group :-)

      One thing that you should bear in mind is that most people will want a laptop with a Spanish keyboard layout. The letters are in the same place but some symbols such as @ and accents are on different keys. More importantly, there are 2 additional keys which aren’t found on UK or US keyboards; Ç – used in Catalan and Ñ – used in Spanish. Not to mention the € euro symbol.

      I hope this helps.

      1. Thank you. It helped me a lot. I guess my best option must be among the classified websites which you mentioned.
        You have gathered a lot of useful information here. I should read them all. :)

    2. thank you for this article and amazing comment section.
      few days back i lost my mobile phone, i wanted to get new smartphone but i did not wanted to pay full price. cash converter was a great option!
      love your blog. thanks!

  5. Just wanted to say I really like the site. Ended up here today as my partner wanted a battery for a mobile phone, and after a fruitless search around the market at Encants market at Glories, I was hoping to search for a shop on google and find another English speaking person who had found a good place.

    Now to have a trawl through your site for other useful info :)

  6. Finding a store can be tough as heck if you can’t figure out what’s written on the storefront. not every word in Spanish sounds like an English word. Nice work btw, helpful

  7. Thanks for the informative locations. If I’m ever in Barcelona and need camera fixing or electronic help I’ll definitely check out these stores

    1. Hi Hamid,

      I don’t know if the camera shops listed offer a repairs service. If not I’m sure they’ll be able to point you in the right direction.

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