Monument to Doctor Trueta

Josep Trueta Raspall was born in the Poblenou neighbourhood of Barcelona in 1897. He studied medicine at the University of Barcelona and in 1921 started working as an assistant surgeon in the Hospital de la Santa Creus I Sant Pau.

By the onset of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 Dr. Trueta had already started to develop his 5 step method for treating wounds. He remained in Barcelona throughout the war, treating the victims of regular heavy aerial bombing by Franco’s air force.

In 1939, like many Republicans, his family fled Barcelona to Perpignan (France). Their original destination was Venezuela, but while in France Dr. Trueta met a British surgeon who convinced him to go to the UK.

The Doctor Trueta Monument on the Rambla de Poblenou
The Doctor Trueta Monument on the Rambla de Poblenou

Arriving in London just before the outbreak of World War 2, Dr. Trueta was appointed advisor to the Health Ministry and taught his methods to British and allied surgeons and the military. After the war, he stayed in the UK where he continued his medical research and teaching until he retired in 1966.

Due to the fact that he was on the losing side during the Spanish Civil War, Doctor Trueta’s name was banned from the Spanish press and media right up until Franco’s death in 1975. In 1976 he was given the honorary title of “Doctor Honoris Causa” by the UAB (Autonomous university of Barcelona).

The monument to Doctor Trueta on the Rambla de Poblenou was inaugurated in 1978, one year after his death. The statue was paid for by public donations and is the work of Catalan sculptor Josep Ricart.

Monument to Doctor Trueta, Barcelona
Monument to Doctor Trueta, Barcelona


Rambla de Poblenou No. 120

How to get there

The nearest metro stations are “Llacuna” and “Poblenou” on the yellow line (L4)

Other attractions nearby

La Rambla de Poblenou
Poblenou Cemetery
Agbar Tower
Disseny Hub Barcelona
The Encants flea market


 Rambla del Poblenou 120, 08005 Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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